Endorsement Convention
A. 80-20's Endorsement Convention Rules Are In Writing
B. Delegates Are Required To Be Fair & Have The Interest of Our Community Only
C. 80-20 Delegates and Alternates to the 2008 Endorsement Convention
D. Press Release: 80-20 Initiative Endorses Senator Obama for President
E. Photos of 2008 Endorsement Convention
F. Media Coverage of 2008 Endorsement Convention
G. Newsletter: 80-20 Endorses Sen. Obama for President
H. Minutes of 2008 Endorsement Convention
I. Recognition of the Delegates and Alternates to the 2004 Endorsement Convention
A. 80-20's Endorsement Convention Rules Are In Writing:
80-20's Bylaws require that
(1) The Delegates will be divided proportionally between Republicans, Democrats, and Independents/Declines; i.e., 1/3 Republicans, 1/3 Democrats, and 1/3 Independents/Declines, and
(2) Delegates are to be elected by dues-paying members.
More details about the Endorsement Convention rules are specified in 80-20 Bylaws - Article 7
B. Delegates Are Required To Be Fair & Have The Interest of Our Community Only
DELEGATE APPLICATION FORM - Click HERE to fill out the form online. OR
- Click HERE to download the form.
Convention Date: August 26, 2012 (Sunday); Location: Los Angeles, CA
I want to be a Delegate to 80-20's Endorsement Convention, with the clear understanding of the following two conditions:
(1) I pledge to support the presidential candidate chosen by 80-20's Endorsement Convention regardless of my personal preference & conviction. Except for unforeseen circumstances, I also promise to attend the Convention, if elected, while paying my own way, &
(2) I have no conflict of interest in becoming a candidate for Delegate. I have no financial interest with any of the political parties and/or presidential campaigns. I am not an applicant for federal appointments.
(Circle one) I am registered as a Democrat/Independent/Republican.
Last Name:_________________ First:_____________ Middle: _____
City: _____________________ State: ________ Zip: ____________
Phone: _____________________ Fax: ________________________
E-mail: _____________________________
My profession & title: ______________________________________
Information below will be published during election of Delegates.
1) My past service to 80-20 (Examples are length & type of membership, support for "Call To Actions", Chapter or Board officers, etc.):
2) My past service to the APA community:
Sign: ________________________ Date: _____________________
Fax to 1-866-856-8020
DELEGATE APPLICATION FORM - Click HERE to fill out the form online. OR
- Click HERE to download the form.
C. 80-20 Delegates and Alternates to the 2012 Endorsement Convention
To be announced was the elected Chair.
To be announced was the elected Parliamentarian.
Democrats (11 Delegates):
To be announced.
Republicans (11 Delegates):
To be announced.
Independents (11 Delegates):
To be announced
Alternates at the Endorsement Convention:
To be announced
Click HERE to view the bios of our Delegates and Alternates.
D. 08.02.2008 Press Release: 80-20 Initiative Endorses Senator Obama for President
E. Photos of 2008 Endorsement Convention
F. Media Coverage of 2008 Endorsement Convention
* The Huffinton Post: 08.02.2008 "Largest Asian-American PAC Endorses Obama"
* The Korea Times: 08.04.2008 “아시안표 오바마로 모으자” '80-20 이니셔티브' 지지선언"
* The Korea Daily: 08.04.2008 “아시안의 한 목소리를 주류사회에…”
* The India-West: 08.08.2008 "80-20 Initiative Endorses Obama for President"
* The AsianWeek: 08.07.2008 "80-20 Initiative Endorses Senator Obama for President"
* The World Journal: 08.03.2008 "80/20支持歐巴瑪"
* The Singtao Daily: 08.03.2008 八十/二十背書支持奧巴馬
* The Ming Pao: 08.03.2008 當選對華裔社區有益處 80-20促進會背書支持奧巴馬
* Sina.com: 08.04.2008 亞裔80-20動議組織宣布支持奧巴馬
* Singtao Chinese Radio: 08.04.2008
* KRON 4: 08.04.2008
* ETTV: 08.19.2008
* KTSF 26
G. Newsletter: 80-20 Endorses Sen. Obama for President
H. Minutes of 2008 Endorsement Convention
I. Recognition:
We greatly appreciate the contributions of the Delegates and Alternates to our 2004 Endorsement Convention. They are:
Fel Amistad, Tong Soo Chung, Inan Ma Feng, John Fong, Albert Y. M. Huang, Ivy Lee, Dongzi Liu, Peter Luh, Paul Ma, Virginia K. Sung, Albert Wang, Joel Wong.
Giga Andreyev, David T. Chai, Gareth Chang, Jack Chen, Timothy Chen, Arthur Cheung, Kenneth Fong, Steven Ko, William Uy, Hsiao-Mei Wiedmeyer, Eva Wu, Leo Chu Yu.
May Chen, Laura Hsu, Oliver Hsu, Tom Hsu, Doris Huang, Henry J. Lee, Kam Liu, Hong Tang, Kathleen To, S. B. Woo, Ching-Liu Wu, David D. Yang.
Alternates at the 2004 Endorsement Convention:
Anthony Hsieh, Shaobing Hua, James Uy, Katy Woo |