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Congressional Elections of 2010

80-20's Board Resolution

  1. A Unanimous Resolution, passed by 80-20 PAC on April 10, 2010

    Whereas, Pres. Obama set a historic precedent by appointing Asian Americans to (1) leadership positions in his Transition Team and his White House staff, and (2) 3 cabinet secretary positions , and many other cabinet and sub-cabinet positions;

    Whereas, Pres. Obama, again setting a historic precedent, has increased the number of Asian American federal judges from 8 District judges and no Appeals Court judges, to 12 District Judges and 2 Appeals court judges in his first 14 months as the president;

    Whereas, the Labor Department under President Obama, again setting a historic precedent, has written 80-20 committing to enforce an existing law, Executive Order 11246, for Asian Ams in order to provide the 2 million Asian Americans working in private industries and universities with equal opportunity in their workplaces, i.e. to break the glass ceiling.  Exercising due caution in this matter, we note that we as yet have not seen evidence from Department of Labor that it is taking concrete steps to enforce its stated position;

    Whereas, 80-20 Initiative wishes to express, on behalf of the Asian American community, our deep appreciation to President Obama for his great effort thus far in providing us with equal opportunity to serve America,

    Be It Therefore Resolved that 80-20 shall support Democratic candidates in Congressional races, except for those election districts whose Republican candidates have strongly supported Asian Am. concerns, and

    Be It Further Resolved that 80-20 shall support the above decision with funds and a bloc vote in coming November.

    As time goes on, you'll read from here what ads we are buying to help the Democratic Party and which specific Republican candidates we are exempting from our bloc vote.