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What makes 80-20 effective

III. The Fruits of Political Empowerment

Date of Call to Action Purpose (PP) & Method (MD) Date Result(s) Achieved
On September 21, 80-20 urged our supporters to lobby President Bush and 4 Senators he is consulting on SCJ nominees. PP: To put the names of 5 qualified AsAm jurists into the minds of the most influential people in the SCJ nomination process.

MD: 80-20 sent a mass e-mail urging supporters to fax and e-mail the President and 4 Senators.

Two days after 80-20's call to action, between 500 to 1000 faxes went to each Senator or the President, tying up their lines with so many faxes. Through this effort, we've planted the seeds for increased representation of AsAms in the Federal Judiciary.
On September 6, in response to the recent Supreme Court opening, 80-20 asked Asian American activists whether we should push for an AsAm SCJ and which qualified AsAm jurists nominees should be lobbied for.

PP: To gauge whether there was enough support in the community to undertake the difficult task of pushing for an AsAm SCJ.

MD: 80-20 sends an invitation to take a poll to 15,000 activists, asking for response from at least 3,000 or no go.

One week after 80-20's call to take our poll, over 3,000 out of the 15,000 responded positively. They selected 5 potential nominees and pledged their personal effort to the battle.

December 27, 2000 PP: To urge President-elect Bush to appoint APAs to his cabinet.

MD: a) A deluge of e-mails from 80-20 supporters to the Transition Office, and b) numerous calls from reporters, both mainstream & ethnic, to Bush's office about the lack of an APA appointment.

December 29, 2000: N. Mineta is first contacted by V.P. Cheney for an appointment to the Dept of Transportation .

January 12, 2001: Pres. Bush announces the historic appointment of 2 APA cabinet secretaries, perhaps aiming to outbid the Democrats for APA votes in 2004

June 24, 2000

PP: Urge Pres. Clinton to nominate Norm Mineta as the historic first APA cabinet secretary.

MD: Massive fax campaign to the White House – so many faxes went in that the White House fax machines ran out of paper.

June 29, 2000: President Clinton nominates Norman Mineta as the Sec. of Commerce.
80-20's Policy fighting racist attacks against APA politicians

PP: To STOP racist attacks against Asian American political candidates.

MD: 80-20 pledges to use its considerable communication powers and financial resources to defeat any politicians who initiate racist attacks against APA candidates and to drive the consultants who design such racist attacks out of business.

No racist attacks in 2003 and 2004 election.

May 1, 2002: 80-20 announces its policy to stop racist attacks against APA
candidates, in response to 2 such reported attacks in the CA primaries. It publicizes the Alameda County Board of Supervisors primary, in which
Ralph Appezzato attacked Alice Lai-Bitker by asking: What color is your supervisor?" and "Is it us or them?"
PP: To STOP racist attacks against APA political candidates

MD: 80-20 pledges to use its considerable communication power and financial resources to defeat any politicians who initiate racist attacks against APA candidates and drive the consultants who design such attacks out of business.

In the 2002 general election, Ralph Appezzato is defeated by Alice Lai-Bitker in a run-off.

No other racist attack has occurred, except a state representative race in
Iowa. In this case, the Iowa Republican Party withdrew financial and publicity support for Kim Balderston, who insinuated that her Indian-American opponent Swati Dandekar was unfit for legislative duty because of her foreign upbringing. Dandekar won.