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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes of
Conference Call April 6, 2011

A conference call of the national Board of 80-20 Initiative was held on April 6, 2011
at 9:15PM EST. The following Board members joined the conf call: Ved Chaudhary, S.B. Woo, Jing-Li Yu, Y-T Lee, Robert Wu, Ann Shum, Alice Huang, Fel Amistad, Munsup Seoh and Edward Lin. Suzanna Lin (Director of Operations) was also present.

Meeting was called to review with the Board members the progress of recruitment of new members. Dr. S.B. Woo reported that the progress in the first week was very good: 116 new members signed up in the first 8 days of our campaign. However, since then the progress has significantly dropped off: only 25 or 30 members in the second week so far.

Dr Woo informed the Board members that to keep the momentum going, the 80-20 Executive Committee had met on April 2 to discuss the situation and passed a resolution to  “Ask all 80-20 Board members to bring at least 10 new members in the next 4 months”.  Additionally, “Board members, who can not find 10 new members, will be allowed to give gift membership(s) by paying $35 per membership and finding a friend who will accept it and is a citizen or PR.  Each Board member is also asked to keep track of the names of the 10 members whom he/she has recruited.”

After the Executive committee passed the resolution, Dr. Woo had sent an email on April 4 to all Board members to vote on this resolution of the Executive committee. The meeting today was to provide more detailed background information, discuss suggestions and answer any questions.

Since a new Presidential campaign will be starting this summer, Dr Woo also discussed the process of how a Presidential candidate will be endorsed by 80-20 and cautioned the Board members that they should wait for the 80-20 formal endorsement process to complete and not give contributions to candidates before that. Giving contribution makes them partial to that candidate. Therefore, any Board member contributing to a candidate in violation of this requirement will have to resign from the Board.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45pm

Notes by Ved Chaudhary
Secretary, 80-20 Initiative